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Carbon footprinting and environmental
reporting has seen a lot of activity at the
EU and global level this last year.
Through our membership in CITPA (the
European lobbying umbrella for paper
and board converting packaging
sectors), FINAT receives first-hand
information on the development of
carbon footprint and water footprint
ISO standards. As has been reported in
our newsletter, the Carbon Footprint
ISO standard failed to be adopted and
has since been recast as a technical
specification. Meanwhile, work on the
water footprint ISO standard has been
progressing according to plan.
As a follow-up to the organization of the
L9 sustainability session in 2012,
members of the FINAT Technical
Committee are currently making an
inventory of the available environmental
reporting guidelines, the best practices
and additionally needed information (if
any) to enable members to harmonize
environmental reporting.
Although initiated earlier, the project is
in line with the recent recommendation
of the European Commission “Building
the Single Market for Green Products”,
which proposes EU-wide methods to
measure the environmental
performance of products and
organisations; a result of the Product
Environmental Footprint project, in
which FINAT took part end of 2011.
interest for our members. As
mentioned in the EU guidance,
mandatory food information must not
in any way be hidden, obscured,
detracted from or interrupted by any
other written or pictorial matter of any
other intervening material. Currently,
One of the other regulations that came
into force in 2013 and brought plenty of
questions with it, is the EU Timber
Regulation. Goal of the regulation is to
counter the trade in illegally harvested
timber and timber products, by
prohibiting placing illegally harvested
timber (products) on the EU market,
requiring EU timber traders to exercise
due diligence and keep
records of suppliers and
customers. CEPI (the
European paper industry
confederation) and the
European Commission have
provided guidance on the
topic, which is available in
our Member Area.
Similarly, guidance is in
development for the
food information
requirements laid out
in EU regulation
1169/2011. While most
requirements focus on the
information to be placed
on the label, requirements
regarding visibility of the
information are particular
Mark Macaré
Highly Commended winner A10 Stratus Packaging
FINAT Label Competition 2012